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I am so excited that my humans are getting married! I’ve known Nick for almost three years now. I love him so much. He’s like the daddy I’ve never had. I’ve also never seen Mama as happy as she is whenever they are together — almost as happy as when she’s with me!

I wish I had been there when they got engaged, but I was here in St. Louis while they were celebrating Mama’s birthday in San Francisco. When they came home, they told me all about it though!

Golden Gate Bridge


Mama said she was having such a good time in San Francisco even before Nick proposed. The proposal only made it better. Nick loves to plan their trips and he made sure this birthday trip was EXTRA special!

They had spent a couple of days exploring the city before going to Baker’s Fort to see the Golden Gate Bridge. Mama sensed something was up, based on the conversation they were having. Nick also seemed slightly nervous for the first time around her. She noticed that he was fumbling with something in his pocket, but when nothing happened at Baker’s Fort, Mama thought she might have misread the signs.

When they got back to the car and drove up to Muir Woods Beach, every song leading up to the destination were marriage and proposal songs. It made her suspicions come back. (Mama later found out that it was 100% coincidental. I guess it was meant to be!)

Muir Wood Beach

The Climb

They spent some time hanging out at the beach first. The weather was perfect, cool and comfortable. For a while, they laid on the rocks and listening to the waves crashing into them. Then, they decided to hike around the area. Nick wasn’t sure where they were going because this was a detour from his plan (Baker’s Fort was the plan, but it didn’t feel quite right).

Mama reluctantly hiked up a mean, steep hill with the encouragement of Nick. She was pretty miserable by the time they made it up to the top of the hill and was even mad at him for making her hike all the way to the top. But she got over it quickly because the view was beautiful and absolutely worth it. On that spot on top of that hill, it was just the two of them, soaking up the beauty of their surrounding. And it was at that perfect moment that Nick asked Mama to marry him. And of course, she said, “YES!”
