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It’s been snowing quite a bit in St. Louis and I love it! My favorite kind of snowfall is when the snow is thick and untouched—layers of it cloaking the lawns and streets. No cars on the road as everyone stays warm inside.

Teddy and I experienced our first big snow together a couple of weeks ago. I love sharing “first moments” with him. When people have babies, they want to be there for the first crawl, walk, word, etc. Well, I feel the same for Teddy because he’s my furbaby. Those first moments with him are so special.

That day, the snow was thick enough that his paws sank in and left deep prints as he trampled and romped around in the backyard. He would roll around and bury his face in it, covered in white powdery snow when he resurfaced. His thick coat is perfect for this weather. He was in his element.

Snow Day with Teddy

It made me wonder if the snow meant the same to him if he didn’t have a home to call his own. No guaranteed shelter or roof over his head. No puffy bomber vest to keep most of his body warm and dry. No door to run up to when he was ready to escape the cold. No human to love and protect him.

I got Teddy almost a year ago. I think he will turn three at the end of the month. He was a quiet and shy dog back then. He barely ever made a peep. It wasn’t until a couple of months after I got him that he would even bark or growl at things that startled him. Before that, he would whimper and timidly back away from anything that made him uncomfortable. He is still not an excessively vocal dog, but he has indeed found his voice now.

I look forward to so many winters together, just like this. I know that Teddy is happy now. He knows that this is his forever home, and I am his forever human.

Snow Day with Teddy